云台学术报告2023年3月6日(星期一)上午 1000--1100 主楼502会议室
【学术报告】 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 报告题目: AGN Continuum Reverberation Mapping 报告人: 郭恒萧博士 报告人单位:中国科学院上海天文台 报告语言: 中文 报告时间: 2023年3月6日(星期一)上午10:00--11:00 报告地点: 主楼502会议室 报告摘要: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reverberation mapping (RM) is a powerful tool to explore the unresolved central region of active galactic nucleus (AGN), e.g., accretion disk. Determining the structure of accretion disks in AGN is fundamental to understanding the growth of supermassive black holes, confirming the standard thin disk theory, and examining the X-ray reprocessing variability model. However, recent continuum RM suggests that the observed accretion disk size is around three times larger than prediction. In this talk, I will introduce a new component, i.e., diffuse continuum, to explain the discrepancy between observations and theorical predictions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 本通知也可以在云台学术报告网页看到: http://www.ynao.cas.cn/xwzx/xstg/ 申请安排学术报告的同事请参见台学术报告管理办法: http://www.ynao.cas.cn/xwzx/xstg/gzzd/ 云台邀请团组:2.4米望远镜组 邀请方联系人:赵晓红,15096610585 3月2日